Sitegest Studio Logo
WordPress, WooCommerce, Shopify

Web design & development services

Your website is your most visible asset. For many customers it is their first point of contact. We can help it generate the greatest ROI. We can work with any CMS so let's work to make your site the best it can be.
Teamwork, diversity and sales manager planning branding ideas with a creative designer on a laptop in an office. Logo, collaboration and businessman talking to an employee about a development project
two women looking at phone and smiling at the successful web design they see

What makes a website successful?

It takes more than a beautiful design.
When the design, layout and content all work in concert it's magic. But that's only one piece of the puzzle. A high-performance website needs to do more. It...
  • fast, easy to manage, and secure
  • ...ranks well in search to increase traffic
  • ...has visuals and messaging that are up-to-date and align with brand standards
  • easy for users to navigate and makes them want to take action
  • accessible to all users on any device at any screen size

There are so many factors that go into a successful website that will help your business grow. A great site checks all of the boxes.

UX helps create a great user experience

What is your visitor looking for? How far are they willing to scroll? Is the navigation easy to use and understand?
A great website is more than just a collection of information about your brand. It needs to be organized in a way that makes content accessible gets users the key info they need to have a great experience.

That's what UX does. It takes a mix of data and human psychology and uses that information to structure a website. It lets you guide your visitors to where you want them to go.
hand with digital pencil working on a tablet with ux design
overlapping image of two beautifully designed brand focused websites

Web design that puts your brand front and center

Is your brand slick and modern? Or do you have a more understated and elegant brand? From hi-tech to fantastical we don't just take your brand to the website. We design the website to be an extension of your brand.
What colors help bring your brand to life? How can a layout of a page convey what your company stands for? What visuals exemplify the personality of your brand?

We'll help your customers see your brand as you want them to.

How much will this website (really) cost?

We get this question a lot. So many people have been suprised by mounting invoices that far exceed the initial estimate.
The cost for a website can be anywhere from $0 to $1M, or more. Most of the websites you visit daily cost at least $100k. A high-performing lead generation website can take hundreds of hours once all the pieces come together. We offer the same level of service, for a fraction of the price. 

At Sitegeist we present you with a detailed scope and an iron-clad price. There will be no surprises. The price doesn't change as long as the scope doesn't change.
Computer monitor with template website design and an offset black circle with the text simple sites starting at 1000 dollars inside

Us vs DIY & other agencies

DIY site builders like Squarespace, Godaddy, and WIX allow you to easily get a site up and running. But what they don't do is actually help you build a good site that can attract customers and grow your business.
Big agencies can build you a great website. But they are expensive and slow because of size and overhead. They can be out of budget for many businesses.
Sitegeist is different. Because of years of experience in web design and development we can build websites almost as quickly as you can DIY a solution, but at a fraction of the cost of using a big agency.
laptop screen with a dashboard indicating website performance and return on investment
male hands typing on laptop with accessible website

Will my site be accessible?

Yes. Simply because it is the right thing to do.
We believe that all users should be able to have access to information on any website. We use things like contrast and size along with meaningful text-only experiences.

We comply with Section 508 and the entire WCAG guidelines.

We care about all the visitors to your site, including those with impairmetns.

Will my traffic go down?

No. Our SEO experts work not only to preserver your traffic, but to improve it.
Many web designers will warn you up front that your traffic will likely take a hit. This happens because they only worry about what they want the new design to look like, instead of looking at what was already working. At Sitegeist we promise not to do this.

We believe in a search-first redesign. This means we will:

  • Preserve relevant keyphrases on top organic search pages
  • A well thought out strategy for URL structure and redirects
  • Solid technical SEO throughout the site
We will keep what was working while improving what wasn't.
image of a 3d white bar graph increasing from left to right on a blue background
colorful sketch of website wireframes

Should I rebrand?

Your website should reflect your brand, and your brand should reflect your website. Use this as a chance to see if your audience is seeing your brand as you want them to.
Your website is only one piece (although a very importan piece) of your overall marketing efforts. Combining web design with web development and marketing at the same time makes sense.
Look at your brand and re-evaluate. Make sure that your logo, your color palette, and your messaging all convey what you want them to. If you need tom make changes, now is the time. That way every piece can work together to grow your business.

Don't wait to redesign

The average lifespan of a website is 2 years 7 months.
It is possible to get more time out of your website, but don't wait too long to redesign. 
The design of you website has a dramatic effect on a customers impression of your business. A website that looks old and out-of-date is like a store that is dirty and run-down.  
Take a look at your competitor's websites. Compare yours to theirs and see if yours comes up wanting.
A redesign helps you stay competitive and positions your brand for the future.
old room that needs to be updated and remodeled

Get a website designed to empower your brand at a price you can afford.

Know who your audience is. Know what they are looking for. Help them solve their problems. We'll help you build a website that turns visitors into customers.
Schedule a free web design consultation